One technique for monitoring the quality of results during cloud-based load testing is to use a dedicated physical load generating agent ( a bare metal machine, mentioned previously) as a control device. 一种在基于云的负载测试期间监视结果质量的技术是,使用一个专用的物理负载生成代理(前面已提到,一个裸机)作为一个控制设备。
An alternative to committing to the cost of a dedicated bare metal control machine is to measure a known quantity on each virtual machine while the virtual machine is generating load on the system under test. 花成本配备一个专用的裸机控制机器的一种替代方法是,在每个虚拟机在接受测试的系统上生成负载期间,度量该虚拟机上的一个已知负载量。
As with a bare metal control machine, you can choose an acceptable margin of error. 与裸机控制机器一样,您可以选择一个可接受的误差范围。
For example, you might choose to allow the results from the virtual machines to vary within 10 percent of the results from the bare metal control machine. 例如,您可以选择允许来自虚拟机的结果与来自裸机控制机器的结果存在10%的偏差。
By comparing the results on the bare metal control machine with the load generating virtual machines, you can decide what is an acceptable margin of error for the results coming from the virtual machines. 通过对比裸机控制机器上的结果与负载生成虚拟机,您可以断定,对于来自虚拟机的结果,可接受的误差幅度是多少。
A new remote boot technology based on IP storage area network was designed, and the core technology of it is the firmware protocol stack running under bare machine platform. 设计了一种基于IP存储区域网络的远程引导技术,该技术的核心是运行在裸机下的固件协议栈。